Sensational Soup-Off Application

The rules for Sensational Soup-Off have changed slightly for 2024.

Given that we have had years with only one or two participants in the youth and professional categories, we felt that it would be fairer to the majority of soup-makers if we didn’t judge the three categories separately.

Instead, we will be adjusting the scoring process slightly: the final total score will still be 50% based on voting by attendees and 50% based on scores by our 3 judges.

Their scoring will be based on:

  • Taste – 50%
  • Local ingredients (where applicable) – 25%
  • Display – 25%


The judges scores will be adjusted as follows:

  • Professionals – no adjustment
  • Amateurs – + 5 points
  • Youth – +10 points


The 3 prizes will be won by the top 3 total scores, not necessarily one from each category.

Also, this year, in the spirit of the Olympics, we are encouraging soup-makers to bring soups representing many geographies. Obviously, local ingredients will not be available for some soup-makers. This will be understood by the judges, only ingredients that can be sourced locally will be considered.

Apply to compete in the Sensational Soup-Off